Upgrade faster with confidence and easily elevate to the cloud with Tosca 2024.2.
With even further improved stability and performance to the new, automated upgrade process, the latest Tosca version also brings the ability to bulk transition test cases and entire execution lists from on-prem to the cloud. With little more than a simple click, users can rapidly build robust test libraries in the cloud and take advantage of all the features and benefits of Tosca’s cloud deployment.
What else is new:
Expanded and enhanced automation: AWS and Azure key vault support, Oauth Mail Engine updates, self-healing for iFrame use, Salesforce and SAP updates, and more.
Accessibility compliance: The latest updates in Tosca Commander ensuring accessibility for all users
Mobile updates: Improved recognition of visual controls for mobile and desktop
Read the release blog or register for our upcoming webinar to learn more about how Tosca 2024.2 can help advance and elevate your test automation strategies.