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Question: Which type of prompt is likely to yield more diverse and apt responses from an AI model? 

A) Short, generic prompts. 

B) Long, specific prompts. 

C) Prompts with predefined answers.

D) Prompts with defined output format.

E) Prompts generated using prompts from an AI model. 


Bonus points for explaining your answer in the responses. Feel free to share your experience and insights.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! 😊

D) Prompts with defined output format.

B & D

I feel its all because it depends on your acontext.In some places short and some long specific,generic,input output with references and without.


So it really depends on the task you do..


One option does not do justice.


My option is all the above..

option both B & D



I believe the approach depends entirely on the context. In certain situations, short and specific responses are necessary, whereas in others, longer and more detailed answers are more suitable. The decision between being generic or detailed, as well as whether to include input-output references, varies with the task at hand. Consequently, a one-size-fits-all method is not effective. My preference is to evaluate all these factors 

  1. Long , specific prompts → Long and specific prompts are most likely to diverse and apt responses.

D) Prompts with defined output format.

Prompts with a defined output format can be effective for certain tasks, open-ended, context-rich, example-inclusive, and scenario-based prompts are likely to yield more diverse and apt responses from an AI model.

Question: Which type of prompt is likely to yield more diverse and apt responses from an AI model? 

A) Short, generic prompts. 

B) Long, specific prompts. 

C) Prompts with predefined answers.

D) Prompts with defined output format.

E) Prompts generated using prompts from an AI model. 


Bonus points for explaining your answer in the responses. Feel free to share your experience and insights.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! 😊

B and D

B and D

I believe it all depends on the context. In some situations, short and specific responses are needed, while in others, longer and more detailed answers are appropriate. The choice between being generic or detailed, including input-output references or not, varies with the task at hand. Therefore, one approach does not fit all scenarios. My preference is to consider all these aspects.

B) Long, specific prompts.

Long, specific prompts provide more context and details, which helps the AI model understand the exact requirements and nuances of the query, leading to more diverse and accurate responses.

Short, generic prompts.

If the context is not defined, the response will be more generic and could diverse from what is expected, and short will miss the required data by the model.

B) Long, specific prompts. 

B) Long, specific prompts.

Long, specific prompts provide the AI with more context and details, enabling it to generate responses that are more diverse and aligned with the user's expectations. They guide the AI clearly, helping it understand the nuances and context better.

The best type of prompt for yielding diverse and apt responses from an AI model is:

B) Long, specific prompts.


  1. Long, Specific Prompts:

    • Detail and Context: Providing more context and details allows the AI to understand the nuances of the question better. This leads to more informed and relevant responses.

    • Guidance: Specific prompts guide the AI towards a particular area or aspect of a topic, helping it to focus on the most relevant information rather than producing generic or overly broad answers.

    • Exploration: These prompts encourage the AI to explore various angles and aspects of a topic, leading to a richer and more comprehensive response.

    • Examples:

      • Short Prompt: "Tell me about AI."
      • Long Prompt: "Explain the impact of AI on healthcare, focusing on patient diagnosis and treatment advancements over the past decade, and highlight any ethical concerns."
  2. Why Not Short, Generic Prompts?

    • Lack of Context: These prompts often lead to surface-level responses as they don't provide enough information for the AI to understand the specific needs or interests of the user.

    • Generalization: The AI may provide answers that are too broad or unrelated to what the user is looking for.

  3. Why Not Prompts with Predefined Answers?

    • Limitation: Predefined answers restrict the AI’s ability to generate creative or varied responses, as it simply selects from a given set of options.

    • Lack of Engagement: These prompts do not engage the AI in any form of problem-solving or critical thinking.

  4. Why Not Prompts with Defined Output Format?

    • Structured Response: While these prompts can be useful for ensuring consistency, they might limit the AI's ability to explore topics in depth or from different perspectives.

    • Rigidity: They may result in responses that are formulaic and lack innovation or creativity.

  5. Prompts Generated Using Prompts from an AI Model:

    • Potential for Complexity: Using AI-generated prompts can be beneficial, but they require careful crafting to ensure they are meaningful and relevant.

    • Varying Quality: The quality and effectiveness of such prompts can vary greatly depending on the initial input and the AI's capabilities.

Experience and Insights:

From my experience interacting with AI models, long, specific prompts consistently yield the best results because they provide clear direction and allow for a deeper exploration of the subject matter. They help in reducing ambiguity and can tailor responses to match specific expectations or interests.

For example, when working on projects involving complex frameworks like Playwright or Cypress, providing detailed instructions and context ensures that the AI can deliver responses that are directly applicable and insightful. This approach not only enhances the quality of interaction but also improves the learning and problem-solving process.

In summary, the more context and specificity you provide in your prompts, the more likely you are to receive diverse, relevant, and high-quality responses from an AI model.

…...Generated with Chatgpt and refined it with copilot and Quillbot😁!

​​​​​​​​​​​​Prompts with defined output format is the answer. Defining the output format helps the AI model to understand in what kind of output format the user wants the prompt to be generated thereby helping the AI model to give precise answers and meets the user’s requirements.


I think its both B&D:
B : Long, specific Prompts: Its very important if one needs to make the model understand and derive the specific outcomes which one expects 

D : Prompts with defined format: This helps the model to identify the type of input and hence also act as context, say you give an xml file / snippet , then it indicates to the model that question might be in relation with that XML

B and E

I think the combination of long, specific prompts like contexts, instructions, important input/references like links, output indicator and prompts generated using AI models tends to yield apt responses. 😉

Question: Which type of prompt is likely to yield more diverse and apt responses from an AI model? 

A) Short, generic prompts. 

B) Long, specific prompts. 

C) Prompts with predefined answers.

D) Prompts with defined output format.

E) Prompts generated using prompts from an AI model. 


Bonus points for explaining your answer in the responses. Feel free to share your experience and insights.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! 😊

  1.  Prompts with defined output format   --- > As a 4th component of Prompt , if we provide Output Indicator (including input references as well) that will generate apt response.

Prompts generated using prompts from an AI model. 
AI-generated prompts can save time, especially when large numbers of prompts are needed quickly. 
Advanced AI models can generate prompts that are tailored to specific needs or contexts, such as different genres, tones, or complexity levels, making them more relevant and useful for the intended audience.

AI models can maintain a consistent quality and style in the prompts they generate, which can be particularly important for projects requiring uniformity.

AI models can generate a wide range of prompts that might not occur to a single individual. This can introduce new perspectives and ideas, fostering creativity and diversity in writing


B : Long and specific prompts 

We need  To provide context, input data and specific instructions along with desired outcome like if we want output result in csv file then we need To provide that information 

Question: Which type of prompt is likely to yield more diverse and apt responses from an AI model? 

A) Short, generic prompts. 

B) Long, specific prompts. 

C) Prompts with predefined answers.

D) Prompts with defined output format.

E) Prompts generated using prompts from an AI model. 


Bonus points for explaining your answer in the responses. Feel free to share your experience and insights.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! 😊

Option A - This will allow underlying model to explore wider range of possible answers.

The answer is ‘D. Prompts with defined output format’

It helps to present data in a structured, clear, and easy-to-read manner and the AI model will be give clear answer. The formatting is also making information more accessible to the reader by creating and labeling sections or headings and making a good impression on how professional look and feel, appropriate font choice for the document type.

B) Long, specific prompts. 
​​​​​-As components of a good prompt includes context, instructions, input and output indicators - option B is right.
D)Prompts with defined output format.

-Defining output format like CSV , Tabular, bullet point etc will help to get a precise response from AI model.


B) Long, specific prompts. 



As per the webinar and also based on my experience, - Long, specific prompts makes sense as while prompting, we will mention the context, instructions, samples and specific output criteria which makes this option as a great one.


D) Prompts with defined output format. - For a second, I thought this could be the right one but without the proper format and only with output, the respective LLM might not provide more diverse and apt responses but the responses will follow same output criteria without any context. So It’s a wrong one.
