Having recently concluded our webinar with David Colwell (link below) I thought it would be good to get opinions from the community about the role of testing in an industry that is rapidly incorporating AI.
What do you guys think things are going to look like moving forward? We’re in the early stages of AI integration, but I’m sure everyone expects huge changes over the next few years, and definitely decades.
My biggest question is are there any major changes you think will take place that the average person isn’t thinking about? Do you have any hot takes on AI and the way it’s impacting testing and software development?
The closest thing I have to a hot take is that I think the AI explosion may end up being more of a sigmoid curve than continual exponential growth:

We’ve seen huge development throughout 2023 with generative AI, but I think it’s possible we see a sort of cooling period instead of the insane jump we saw this year.
What do you think?
Don’t forget to check out the webinar by David below if you missed it:
Webinar Recording Is Generative AI taking over Testing? by David Colwell | ShiftSync Community (tricentis.com)