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I Learned the Course of QA Automation Testing using Selenium about a year ago but still I didn

‘t get a Job. Please assist me to Start Career as a Fresher. of Automation Tester.

I Learned the Course of QA Automation Testing using Selenium about a year ago but still I didn

‘t get a Job. Please assist me to Start Career as a Fresher. of Automation Tester.


Hi Saif,

It's fantastic that you have already passed a course in QA Automation Testing with Selenium! Here are a few steps that might help you get started in your automation testing career:

Build a Portfolio: Create a few sample projects or case studies where you can showcase your automation skills using Selenium. You could automate simple web applications or even websites with public testing environments to demonstrate your knowledge.

Acquire Hands-on Practice: Try making test cases with real-life scenarios. Good places to share your projects or get others in the field to critique yours include GitHub and LinkedIn.

Be knowledgeable about core testing tools & technology: It is helpful that you get familiar with add-on tools often used concurrently with Selenium, such as structuring test cases using a TestNG or JUnit, and managing projects on Maven or Gradle; being familiar with CI/CD tools like Jenkins becomes a big plus.

Update your resume & LinkedIn: Emphasize the skills, certifications, and any personal projects in automation. Tailoring your resume to highlight these skills will make you stand out.

Apply for internships & entry-level roles: Do not limit yourself strictly to automation. Most companies prefer to promote from within, so getting experience in any QA role is a stepping stone to an automation role.

Network and Find Mentors: Getting involved in some LinkedIn groups or QA forums is good practice for connecting you to many years of experience on some given tester who might provide valuable information or even point to jobs.

If interested, I can share a bit more about specific resources and communities for networking and learning.

Lets connect-

Thanks & regards,


Saif wrote:

I Learned the Course of QA Automation Testing using Selenium about a year ago but still I didn

‘t get a Job. Please assist me to Start Career as a Fresher. of Automation Tester.


Hi Saif,

Here's a more detailed roadmap to kickstart your automation testing career:

1. Core Skills (Master These First):
- Java basics (loops, arrays, methods)
- HTML basics (helps find web elements)
- Manual testing concepts
- Selenium WebDriver commands
- Git basics (commit, push, pull)

2. Tools You Must Know:
- Eclipse or IntelliJ IDE
- Maven (for project management)
- TestNG (for test organization)
- Jira (bug tracking)
- Postman (basic API testing)

3. Practice Projects (Start Small):
- Automate login tests for Gmail
- Facebook signup form testing
- Amazon search and filter tests
- Simple calculator app testing
- Data-driven tests using Excel

4. Must-Have Framework Knowledge:
- Page Object Model (POM)
- Data-driven framework basics
- Keyword-driven basics
- Basic test reporting
- Cross-browser testing

5. Daily Practice Routine:
- Code for 2 hours minimum
- Watch one testing tutorial
- Read testing blogs
- Practice interview questions
- Join QA forums/groups

6. Job Search Strategy:
- Update LinkedIn profile
- Connect with QA leads
- Apply to startups
- Look for internships
- Attend QA meetups

7. Important Concepts to Study:
- Locators in Selenium
- Waits (implicit/explicit)
- Handling alerts/popups
- Screenshot capture
- Test case prioritization

8. Common Interview Topics:
- TestNG annotations
- Selenium exceptions
- Framework design
- Real-time challenges
- Basic SQL queries

9. Portfolio Must-Haves:
- 2-3 complete projects
- Clean, commented code
- Clear documentation
- Bug reports samples
- Test case examples

10. Extra Skills That Help:
- Basic API concepts
- Jenkins basics
- Excel skills
- Agile methodology
- Good communication

Quick Tip: Don't wait to be perfect. Start applying once you can handle basic automation tasks. Learning continues on the job!

Need specific examples for any of these points? I can break them down further!

please connect me on linkedin
