How are Shiftsyncers venting/relaxing after work?

  • 11 August 2023
  • 10 replies

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For me, it’s cycling to and from work - it only takes me like 10 minutes, but I wouldn’t change that for the world. I also spend a significant part of my day (2-3 hours/day) in different parks/playgrounds/woods playing/walking with my son and when the night falls I like to either grab a good book, watch some tv or play HOMM3 :) 

I used to train kickboxing, but after partially tearing ligaments in my left knee some years ago I’ve put a pause on that activity - am planning to get back to it :) 


So, what do you do to vent off / relax after work ? 

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For me it’s reading. It helps me to relax and take my mind from work. So, my every evening ends with a nice book in my hands. 

If we talk about physical activity and staying fit. I do yoga and meditations, but now I am thinking about going to the gym. However, I am the person who always buys subscriptions and never uses them. So, I am not sure how it ends. 😅

@danielknott how do you relax? Especially after kids’ birthdays? 😂

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Well, kids birthday is another level 😅 you need all sorts of recovery afterwards…

I do sports to recover! I go running and cycling, this is for me the best thing to do. Just out in the nature, no music no phone no distractions.

I started lately with meditation but need to get used to it.

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Well, kids birthday is another level 😅 you need all sorts of recovery afterwards…

I do sports to recover! I go running and cycling, this is for me the best thing to do. Just out in the nature, no music no phone no distractions.

I started lately with meditation but need to get used to it.

Mediatation was a game changer for me. At some point in my life, probably from stress, I was feeling on edge and tired all the time, I decided to try meditation and it helped me a lot. After a week I felt completely fine. Then @Daria introduced me to yoga. @MirzaSisic@pkundu25 @hungoboss what do you do to relax after work? 

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For me, it’s cycling to and from work - it only takes me like 10 minutes, but I wouldn’t change that for the world. I also spend a significant part of my day (2-3 hours/day) in different parks/playgrounds/woods playing/walking with my son and when the night falls I like to either grab a good book, watch some tv or play HOMM3 :) 

I used to train kickboxing, but after partially tearing ligaments in my left knee some years ago I’ve put a pause on that activity - am planning to get back to it :) 


So, what do you do to vent off / relax after work ? 

A wonderful Friday question, @mmario.ffrohlich 

I like to walk in the park and listen to podcasts. The park we have in Vienna is called a park but its actually a forest. You can get lost there!🌲🧭😅

In winter when its freezing I like to go to book stores and just to look through all the cool books people wrote. I usually get very inspired and buy a book to add to my “to read” tower😃

@IOan @dsfx3d  What about you, creative souls? A poet and beatboxer!



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What a nice question! When I am not working, I am usually going for a walks, hanging out with my friends (both real and virtual) or playing videogames. Some time ago I have discovered this marvellous gem called “Stardew Valley”. There definetely  is some satisfaction to feeding a virtual pixelated cow.


What podcasts do you enjoy listening to @Daria ? :)


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@hungoboss  ha ha impressive, i see there is a lot going on on that farm;) Reminds me of that toy that briefly existed in the 90’s , tamagochi.

My absolute favourite podcast is  Stuff You Should Know. Its a podcast about everything basically: can learn about ketchup, ice climbing or the History of Hollywood sign. So its never boring.

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Hi all, I hope you all had a nice weekend. I don’t know how it is in your country, but we actually had extended weekend here in Croatia due to the Dormition of the Mother of God. This holiday landed on Tuesday this year so, naturally, everyone who could just took the Monday off and had a nice mini vacation :) 


We planned on going to the Zoo and to walk in the nearby forest, but the Drava, river that flows here in Osijek, overflew it’s banks so the police restricted access. Here are some pictures of Osijek and Drava. On the first one is when it’s water level is normal, then when it’s at it’s lowest and the current situation. 


‘Normal water levels’ 


‘Water level almost at it’s historical lows. The small path you see in the left part of the picture are actually remaining's of the bridge built by Suleiman I. the Magnificent’


‘Compare it with the first picture and you’ll see how much the water level rose’


@hungoboss did you know that ‘Stardew Valley’ was actually made by one guy ? There is a nice ‘documentary’ on this that can be found here: How Stardew Valley Was Made by Only One Person


Regarding podcasts I’m an avid listener of mrBallen and Darknet Diaries


I think it’s time to stop writing :D I’m getting loose here :D :D 


Hope y’all will have a nice and calm workweek :) 

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@mmario.ffrohlich :)

Yes, I am aware of the fact (I have watched the document like a year ago :D ). I believe that what ConcernedApe (Eric Barone) was able to achieve is just amazing. It takes a lot of courage, conviction and dedication to create a game just by himself. Now, he has created a small team of developers helping him here and there and allowing for the game to be updated regularly. Already looking forward to his new project.

Darknet Diaries is one of my favorite. Some other suggestions might be The Lazarus Hei$t and Command Line Heroes. :)


@Daria tamagochi was great! Unfortunately for me, all my tamagochis died because I was not taking a good care of them. Back then it made me kinda sad and convinced me that I might not be the wisest idea for me to have a real pet. Luckily now, I am paying much more attention to my pets. :)


I am curious, is anyone else listening to some interesting podcasts?

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In terms of podcasts I just discovered The Froth, I’ve been a Rhod Gilbert fan for years but only found this one a few weeks ago. It’s discontinued but there’s plenty of episodes to listen to still.

Other than that I read a lot, pretty much strictly fiction except for the odd investigate journalism book. Currently reading The Bonfire of the Vanities.

In terms of fitness, I cycle quite a bit on my racing bike, training for some longer distance events later this year and the years to come. I’m not that fast but that’s OK. I also try and walk to my office as often as possible, that’s about half an hour one way, a great way to get some fresh air, a bit of exercise and to wind down after a day of work.

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More video games over here I’m afraid… not quite the nice, colourful one as above:


I’m also volunteering at a charity shop (Emmaus) and going more & more to spas to help get well away from work & relax someplace different 😎
