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Oh, let me tell you a tale so grand,

About a community, oh so unplanned.

ShiftSync is the place where we all unite,

In the realm of quality engineering, day and night.


From developers to testers, and DevOps too,

ShiftSync welcomes each one of you.

A community built on knowledge and sharing,

Where ideas bloom, oh, it's quite daring!


Our Community Manager a true influencer indeed,

Leads the way with wisdom, she's the one to heed.

With expertise galore, she guides us through,

@Kat here, making dreams come true.


In ShiftSync, we believe in quality's might,

The cornerstone of software, shining so bright.

From automation testing to deployment's art,

We're here to perfect, right from the start.


So join us, dear friend, in this magical space,

Where developers and testers find their place.

ShiftSync is the hub, where brilliance does grow,

A community where seeds of knowledge we sow.


Come and tag @Kat , let her know you're here,

In ShiftSync, we celebrate and cheer.

Together we'll learn, together we'll strive,

In this whimsical world, where ideas thrive.


So come on over, let's build something great,

In ShiftSync's realm, it's never too late.

Quality engineering, the heart of our song,

Join the community where we all belong!


ShiftSync, ShiftSync, a community so fine,

Where quality engineering is the grand design.

Let's collaborate, share and connect,

In this world of wonders, we'll surely perfect!

I love it, @IOan. That’s great! You are our community poet! 

Good one @IOan 

Lol, this one is great. Just out of curiosity, how long did you spend putting it together? :)

Lol, this one is great. Just out of curiosity, how long did you spend putting it together? :)

@IOan  is very productive. Pretty sure he has the whole anthology on struggles of engineering waiting to be published 😅

It did not take a lot of time.

I like doing it as @Daria said.

Here is another example


