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Do you have any new year resolutions?

  • 3 January 2024
  • 9 replies

Do you have any new-year resolutions? They can be both testing-related and non-testing related. 🙂
For me, it is to be more active as an author and speaker. Hopefully, you’ll see the results soon. 😉 From the professional point of view, there are several certifications I have my eyes on in 2024.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
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I usually don’t have New Year’s resolutions, but there are few things that I want to start doing this year. One of them is courses, I want to do a few courses that will help my professional development. 

Userlevel 5
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What courses are you aiming at, Kat? 🙂

Userlevel 5
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Every year I make new-year resolutions and every year I fail at achieving them. So I entered this year resolution free :D  :D I do have some things I would like to do by the end of the year like: 

  • finish some courses
  • write more articles on medium
  • by and additional property
  • hit the gym/kickboxing like there’s no tomorrow
  • read some books

Everything listed is Que SeraSera there is no pressure, no hard deadlines … I plan on just going with the flow. I’ve put to much pressure on myself in the past few years so I decided to give myself a break for a year or two :D 


How about you @hungoboss ? 

Userlevel 6
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Well I want to be the guy that is smilling this year



Userlevel 5
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Every year I make new-year resolutions and every year I fail at achieving them. So I entered this year resolution free :D  :D I do have some things I would like to do by the end of the year like: 

  • finish some courses
  • write more articles on medium
  • by and additional property
  • hit the gym/kickboxing like there’s no tomorrow
  • read some books

Everything listed is Que SeraSera there is no pressure, no hard deadlines … I plan on just going with the flow. I’ve put to much pressure on myself in the past few years so I decided to give myself a break for a year or two :D 


How about you @hungoboss ? 

I struggle with the same as I always set up a bunch of ambitious goals and fail to achieve most of them. 😅 This year, I am employing the same tactic of setting smaller and (hopefully) achievable ones.

I am currently prepping for some certifications, try to write more and get my chance for speaking.

Let me know how your articles on Medium are going, I will be happy to read them.  💜

Userlevel 5
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Sorry for the late reply. There was so much going on in the last few weeks that I had 0 time to spare.


@hungoboss  I’m glad to hear you want to read my articles :) :) You can find them here: 


Do you have any to share yourself ? :) 

Userlevel 5
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You got yourself a new follower. :) I have my own blog where I am trying to post “regularly”. I am also reworking some of my articles to put on Hashnode, but so far, I didn’t have much success with it.

Userlevel 6
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Sorry for the late reply. There was so much going on in the last few weeks that I had 0 time to spare.


@hungoboss  I’m glad to hear you want to read my articles :) :) You can find them here: 


Do you have any to share yourself ? :) 

You have a new follower now as well.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Awwwww thanks guys ...


I’ll be checking your blog @hungoboss thanks for the share :) I’m already following/reading @IOan ‘s articles on medium 😅
