ShiftSync Video📺: DevSecOps Guide

  • 20 October 2023
  • 2 replies

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In this video, Kshitij Nigan (happy) , a Senior Product Security Engineer at Tricentis with 11 years of experience, discusses the power of DevSecOps in software development. He highlights its cultural impact, emphasizing security as a shared responsibility. @nigamelastic also covers key practices like vulnerability detection, compliance, and proactive security. This video is a must-watch for those interested in integrating security into the development process.


2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

Nice video

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

A pretty cool video! Hope this will start a new series on DevSecOps. Even though the DevSecOps became a buzzword these days, it crucial for the companies to adapt it. And the adoption should be pragmatic and automatic. What I often encounter is the fear that incorporating security in the lifecycle would slow the company down and put much more burden on the devs. We should educate the devs (via security champions or lunch and learn sessions), but they don’t have to be the security proffessionals. But if we integrate the security measures right into their process, they might not even know it’s there protecting them so they can focus on what’s most important - building/fixing/improving the product and generating value.
