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Tue, Oct 29, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (UTC)

From Discovery to Automation: A Deep Dive into Effective BDD Practices

About this event

This event is free for community members. If you want to participate in the event or get the recording, you have to firstly register in the community (see instructions below) and then click on Attend to reserve your spot. All registrants will get a webinar recording after the event and a certificate.

BDD as a practice has been around for almost two decades now, but it is still largely misunderstood in the software development community. Time to try and change that!

In this webinar, you will see what BDD looks like when done well, as we take a user story from start to finish through the three phases of the textbook BDD process: Discovery, Formulation and Automation. Along the way, we will tackle common misconceptions about BDD, learn more about good and bad Gherkin and see what role BDD tools like Behave / pytest-bdd actually play in the process.

After this webinar, you will have learned more about BDD, the value that it can bring to your software development process, and how to avoid common mistakes when practicing BDD.

Bas Dijkstra is an independent test automation consultant and trainer. He has been active in the test automation field for around 18 years, working on software testing and automation solutions across a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and technology stacks.

He has delivered test automation training to dozens of companies and hundreds of conference attendees in the Netherlands as well as abroad, receiving excellent reviews for his work.

Bas is also the developer of RestAssured.Net, a library designed to make writing tests for HTTP APIs in C# easier.

He lives in Amersfoort, The Netherlands, with his wife and two sons. When he's not working, he enjoys going for a run, taking long bike rides, or sitting down with a good book.

How to register for an event, if you are not a member:


  1. Create an account.

Password advice: use the password generator for passwords or avoid dicitionary words ( even when using special characters).

  1. Check your email box, there is an email from ShiftSync. Click on a button in the email and activate your account. 
  2. Go back to this page and click Attend.
  3. Now you are registered! ✨
Event details
Online event
Tue, Oct 29, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (UTC)